Meetings of Creditors

The City and County of Swansea-3.95941151.618522SA1 4PTInsolvency Act 19862006-07-132006-07-282006-07-18TSO (The Stationery Office), St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD, 01603 622211,

SPECIAL MOMENTS BY WENDY MILES LIMITED(Company Number 3569521) Notice is hereby given, pursuant to section 98 of the Insolvency Act 1986, that a Meeting of Creditors of the above-named Company will be held at 63 Walter Road, Swansea SA1 4PT, on Friday 28 July 2006, at 3.00 pm, for the purpose of having a full statement of the position of the Company’s affairs, together with a list of the Creditors of the Company and the estimated amount of their claims, laid before them, and for the purpose, if thought fit, of nominating a Liquidator and of appointing a Liquidation Committee. On the two business days falling next before the day on which the Meeting is to be held, a list of the names and addresses of the Company’s Creditors will be available for inspection, free of charge, at the offices of Stones & Co, 63 Walter Road, Swansea SA1 4PT, being a place in the relevant locality. The Resolutions to be taken at the Meeting may include a Resolution specifying the terms on which the Liquidator is to be remunerated and the meeting may receive information about, and be called upon to approve, the costs of preparing the Statement of Affairs and convening the Meeting. Notice is also given that, for the purpose of voting, secured Creditors must (unless they surrender their security), lodge at the Registered Office of the Company at 63 Walter Road, Swansea SA1 4PT, before the Meeting a statement giving particulars of their security, the date when it was given, and the value at which it is assessed. By Order of the Board. L E Miles, Director 13 July 2006.(627)