Petitions to Wind Up (Companies)

Glasgow City-4.25768955.860782G1 3RN2006-06-282006-07-25Insolvency Act 1986-4.36667755.858401G52 4RYRenfrewshireTSO (The Stationery Office), St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD, 01603 622211,

Petitions to Wind-Up (Companies)


Notice is hereby given that on 28 June 2006 a petition was presented to the Sheriff of North Strathclyde at Paisley by James Findlay & Sons (Colour & General Printers) Limited for inter alia an order under the Insolvency Act 1986 to wind up James Findlay & Sons (Colour & General Printers) Limited having its registered office at 11 Watt Road, Hillington, Glasgow G52 4RY, and to appoint an Interim Liquidator; in which Petition the Sheriff by Interlocutor dated 28 June 2006 ordained all parties interested to lodge Answers in the hands of the Sheriff Clerk at Paisley within eight days after intimation of advertisement; and in the meantime appointed Derek Forsyth, Chartered Accountant of Campbell Dallas, Chartered Accountants, Sherwood House, 7 Glasgow Road, Paisley, to be provisional liquidator of James Findlay & Sons (Colour & General Printers) Limited and authorised him to exercise the powers contained in Schedule 4 to the Insovlency Act 1986; of which Notice is hereby given.

Alan Turner Munro, Agent for the Petitioners

Anderson Fyfe LLP, Solicitors, 72 Gordon Street, Glasgow G1 3RN.