Appointment of Liquidators

The City and County of the City of LondonThe City of WestminsterEC1A 9LF51.518273-0.102576EC1A 9PT51.519108-0.101936W1G 0AH51.515997-0.1429852018-11-272018-12-122018-12-28TSO (The Stationery Office), St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD, 01603 622211,

In the High Court of Justice

No 007517 of 2018


(Company Number 08640955)

In Compulsory Liquidation

Registered office: Innovation Warehouse, 1 East Poultry Avenue, London, EC1A 9PT

Principal trading address: Thomas Ford House, 23-24 Smithfield St, London, EC1A 9LF

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Lloyd Edward Hinton of Insolve Plus Ltd, 4th Floor Allan House, 10 John Princes Street, London W1G 0AH, was appointed Liquidator of the Company by the Secretary of State on 27 November 2018.

Liquidator: Lloyd Edward Hinton (IP No. 9516) of Insolve Plus Ltd, 4th Floor Allan House, 10 John Princes Street, London W1G 0AH

For further details contact: Nathan Sawyer, 0207 495 2348.

Lloyd Hinton FIPA


12 December 2018