Create an account as an authorised notice placer

Already have an account?

Please fill in all fields unless marked optional

Please enter the details of the registered company and the registration account owner as fully and accurately as possible. The details provided below will enable The Gazette Customer Services team to verify your company for notice submission and once complete, you can then begin to submit notices online for publication. If all details have been entered correctly, we aim to approve registration accounts within a 24 hour period and you will receive an email confirming once this is complete. However, if you have any questions regarding this process, or with creating an account in general please contact us.

Company or Organisation Details
Account Owner’s Details What is the account owner?

The account owner is the person in your organisation who will act as the administrator for your account.

What is the account owner email?

Your email address should ideally denote the company for which you work. If this is different to the Company Details listed above then please give details of your relationship to the registered company i.e. external consultant, contractor. Failure to do so may delay your registration approval while we validate the information with the registered company/account owner.

Password Strength:

Your password should be at least 8 characters long and have a combination of upper and lower case letters and at least 1 number. Strong passwords also contain special characters like the asterisk or currency symbols.

Professional details

The Business Type selected must match the nature of the business detailed in the Company or Organisation Details listed above.

For further information regarding the different notice codes that each business type is authorised to place, please click here.

Public Sector
Private Sector

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