Resolutions for Winding-up

The City of Manchester-2.25318853.479281M3 3EL2006-12-082007-01-02TSO (The Stationery Office), St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD, 01603 622211,

(Company Number 05642925) At an Extraordinary General Meeting of the above-named Company, duly convened, and held at Tomlinsons, St John’s Court, 72 Gartside Street, Manchester M3 3EL, on 8 December 2006, the following Resolutions were duly passed, as a Special Resolution and as Ordinary Resolutions respectively: “That the Company be wound up voluntarily, and that A H Tomlinson, of Tomlinsons, St John’s Court, 72 Gartside Street, Manchester M3 3EL, be and is hereby appointed Liquidator for the purposes of such winding-up, that the Liquidator be and is hereby authorised to distribute all or part of the assets of the Company in specie to the Shareholders in such proportions as they mutually agree, and that the Liquidator’s remuneration be paid externally.” A Smith, Chairman