Town and Country Planning

The District of Harlow0.09416151.767657CM20 1WGTOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING ACT 19900.10868951.756274CM18 6QY2006-04-202005-02-22CM201WGNE14WHCM186QY2005-11-29-1.62059154.973162NE1 4WHThe City of Newcastle upon TyneTSO (The Stationery Office), St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD, 01603 622211,

Harlow District Council


The Secretary of State for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (“the Secretary of State”) hereby gives notice that, should planning permission be granted to K P Property Developments Limited by the First Secretary of State for either, or both, of the developments described at (1) and (2) in the Schedule to this notice, she proposes to make an Order under section 247 of the above Act to authorise the diversion of that length of Footpath No 50 at Jeans Yardling, from a point 39 metres north of its junction with the highway which is Tye Green Village and which then runs westwards then west, north-westwards, to a point 14 metres east of the junction of Footpath No 50 with Bridleway No 52, at Tye Green Village, Harlow, Essex. As the applicant has appealed to the First Secretary of State against the refusal by Harlow District Council of planning permission for the development described in (1), and the failure of Harlow District Council to give notice of its decision within the 8 week statutory period on the application made to it for planning permission for the development described in (2), of the Schedule to this notice, this notice of the draft of such an Order is published in accordance with section 253(2)(c) of the above Act. If the Order is made, the diversion of Footpath No 50 will be authorised only in order to enable either of the developments described at (1) and (2) in the Schedule to this notice to be carried out in accordance with the planning permission(s), if granted, sought by K P Property Developments Limited and, respectively, refused by Harlow District Council on 22 February 2005 under application No HW/PL/04/00467, and failed to be determined by Harlow District Council within the 8 week statutory period following the making of the application on 29 November 2005 under application No HW/PL/05/00404, and which are now (together with an associated Listed Building planning application No HW/PL/04/00469 made to Harlow District Council and refused by the Council on 22 February 2005) subject of appeals to the First Secretary of State against refusal/non-determination within the statutory period. Copies of the draft Order and relevant plan may be inspected at all reasonable hours during a period of 28 days commencing on 20 April 2006 at the offices of Harlow District Council, Civic Centre, Harlow, Essex CM20 1WG, and may be obtained, free of charge, from the Secretary of State at the offices of the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (quoting Ref NATROW/Z1585/151/06/17) at the address stated below (telephone enquiries: 0191 202 3595). Any person may object to the making of the proposed Order within the period of 28 days commencing on 20 April 2006 by notice to the Secretary of State, quoting the above reference, at the offices of the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, National Rights of Way Casework Team, Government Office for the North East, Citygate, Gallowgate, Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 4WH. In preparing an objection it should be borne in mind that the substance of it may be imparted to other persons who may be affected by it and that those persons may wish to communicate with the objector about it. M Grieveson, on behalf of the Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. Schedule (1) Planning permission is sought (as detailed under application No HW/PL/04/00467 made to Harlow District Council and refused by the Council on 22 February 2005) for demolition of ancillary dwelling and outbuildings, sub-division of the main dwelling into 2 dwellings, conversion of stables to dwelling, erection of garage block (Coach House) and erection of 2 No two-storey detached dwellings with associated accessway, garaging, parking and landscaping, at Jeans Yardling, Tye Green Village, Harlow CM18 6QY (the associated Listed Building planning application No HW/PL/04/00469 made to Harlow District Council and refused by the Council on 22 February 2005 is also subject of appeal to the First Secretary of State against its refusal). (2) Planning permission is sought (as detailed under application No HW/PL/05/00404 made to Harlow District Council on 29 November 2005 and not determined by the Council within the 8 week statutory period) for demolition of ancillary dwelling, erection of 3 detached dwellings with associated access, parking/garaging facilities, erection of 2 garages to serve existing development, alterations to access driveway, parking and landscaping, at Jeans Yardling, Tye Green Village, Harlow CM18 6QY.