Road Traffic Acts

Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984-0.19610951.401404SM4 5DX2005-03-042005-02-10SM45DXThe London Borough of MertonRoad Traffic Act 1991TSO (The Stationery Office), St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD, 01603 622211,

London Borough of Merton


1. Notice is hereby given that the London Borough of Merton, after consulting the Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis, propose to make the above mentioned Order under sections 6 and 124 of, and Part IV of Schedule 9 to, the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 (as amended) and the Road Traffic Act 1991.
2. The general effects of this Orders will be to further amend the London Borough of Merton (Waiting and Loading Restrictions) Order 1977, so that waiting and loading restrictions be introduced in the roads detailed in the Schedules 1 and 2 to this notice, at the times specified, and that a disabled person’s parking bay be introduced in the road detailed in Schedule 3 to this notice.
3. Nothing in the Order will apply to anything done with the permission or at the direction of a police constable in uniform.
4. Exemptions are provided in Article 2(a) to permit vehicles to wait:

(a) to enable passengers to board or alight and to load or unload their personal luggage;
(b) if they are being used to maintain the road or the services therein or by local authorities or the Post Office in pursuance to statutory powers and duties;
(c) if they are being used for police, fire brigade or ambulance purposes.

5. A copy of the proposed Orders, a plan identifying the area affected by the proposed Orders and the Council’s Statement of Reasons for making the Orders can be inspected during the Council’s normal office hours Mondays to Fridays at the Merton Link, Merton Civic Centre, London Road, Morden, Surrey.
6. Any person desiring to object to the proposed Orders should send a statement in writing of their objections and the grounds thereof to the Environment and Regeneration Department (Ref SGE) at the Merton Civic Centre, London Road, Morden, Surrey SM4 5DX, no later than 4 March 2005.
A Broom, Head of Street Management
Merton Civic Centre, London Road, Morden, Surrey SM4 5DX.
Schedule 1
Waiting Restrictions operating at Any Time

Manor Road:

(i) North-east side; between its junction with Rowan Road and a point in line with the eastern flank wall of No 205 Manner Road.
(ii) South-west side; between its junction with Wide Way and a point 2. metres north-east of the common boundary of Nos 188 and 190 Manor Road.

Northborough Road:

(i) North side; between its junction with Rowan Road and the common boundary of Nos 287 and 289 Northborough Road.
(ii) South side; between its junction with Wide Way and the common boundary of Nos 406 and 408 Northborough Road.

Rowan Road:

(i) South-west side; between its junction with Manor Road and a point opposite the common boundary of Nos 20 and 22 Rowan Road.
(ii) North-east side; between its junction with Northborough Road and a point 1 metre south-east of the common boundary of Nos 14 and 16 Rowan Road.

Wide Way:

(i) North-east side; between its junction with Northborough Road and a point 8 metres south-east of the common boundary of Nos 1 and 3 Wide Way.
(ii) South-west side; between its junction with Manor Road and the common boundary of Nos 6 and 8 Wide Way.

Waiting Restrictions operating between 7.00 am and 7.00 pm Monday to Saturday inclusive

Manor Road:

(i) North side; between the eastern flank wall of No 205 Manor Road and the western flank wall of No 195 Manor Road.
(ii) South side; between a point 2 metres north-east of the common boundary of Nos 188 and 190 Manor Road and a point opposite the western flank wall of No 195 Manor Road.

Northborough Road:

(i) South side; between the common boundary of Nos 390 and 392 Northborough Road and the common boundary of Nos 406 and 408 Northborough Road.
Schedule 2
Loading Restriction at Any Time

Manor Road:

(i) North-east side; between its junction with Rowan Road and a point in line with the eastern flank wall of No 205 Manor Road.
(ii) South-west side; between its junction with Wide Way and a point 2 metres north-east of the common boundary of Nos 188 and 190 Manor Road.

Northborough Road:

(i) North side; between its junction with Rowan Road and the common boundary of Nos 287 and 289 Northborough Road.
(ii) South side; between its junction with Wide Way and the common boundary of Nos 406 and 408 Northborough Road.

Rowan Road:

(i) South-west side; between its junction with Manor Road and a point opposite the common boundary of Nos 20 and 22 Rowan Road.
(ii) North-east side; between its junction with Northborough Road and a point 1 metres south-east of the common boundary of Nos 14 and 16 Rowan Road.

Wide Way:

(i) North-east side; between its junction with Northborough Road and a point 8 metres south-east of the common boundary of Nos 1 and 3 Wide Way.
(ii) South-west side; between its junction with Manor Road and the common boundary of Nos 6 and 8 Wide Way.

Loading Restrictions operating between 7.00 am and 7.00 pm Monday to Saturday inclusive

Manor Road:

(i) North side; between the eastern flank wall of No 205 Manor Road and the western flank wall of No 195 Manor Road.
(ii) South side; between a point 2 metres north-east of the common boundary of Nos 188 and 190 Manor Road and a point opposite the western flank wall of No 195 Manor Road.

Northborough Road:

(i) South side; between the common boundary of Nos 390 and 392 Northborough Road and the common boundary of Nos 406 and 408 Northborough Road.
Schedule 3
Disabled Parking

Rowan Road:

North-east side; between the common boundary of Nos 18 and 20 Rowan Road and a point 1 metre south-east of the common boundary of Nos 14 and 16 Rowan Road.
10 February 2005.