Other Notices

-0.08360751.504556SE1 2TFThe London Borough of Southwark2000-08-17SE12TFTSO (The Stationery Office), St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD, 01603 622211, customer.services@tso.co.uk55945831831

Trapps Cellars Ltd has record of accounts allocated to the following names: ANC; Adeane P; Alfred R; Arnold D; Atkinson Schneider; Aubrey; Australian Fwdg; Barby; Barker John; Barnett EJ; Barrel Select; Barry ME; Bath AJ; Beyer D; Blake P; Bogdanob; Bon Appetit; Bordeaux Vintages; Bradley; Bristow H; Brown Bros; Brown Bros Vint; Brown M; Bulloch; Butt Inv; Celleary G; Chan T; Chapel H; Charpie R; Claessen; Coaten J; Cole DE; Colgrave; Craddock; Craver JB; Cullimore G; Curzon Wine; Dantow; Davey C; Davie C; de Gluckstein; de Schepper; Doneve Ltd; Doust Adv; Doust B; Faridany; Faridany; Fine German Wines; Fisher C; Formula Freight; France Vin; Frazers; Freefine; G S Butchers; Gangardia; Garland Wine; Garret E; Gen Wine; Gentille A; Giovanni’s; Glaser T; Godbody; Golden Gate; Gover HJ; Grapgreen; Great Wapping Wine; Grindrod; Hall Emb; Hardy Mrs. J; Harris P; Harvey M; Henderson H; Hignett J; Hobart TI; Holloway RHJ; Holroyd; Hosmin; Howard; Hudson Linda; Isis; Jacob K/Lohmar; Jaegers A; Jolly J; Jones BK; Katz Aaron; Kearnon; Kennett Dist; King J; King R; Kleinmann H; Klempgate; Knox A; La Boucee; Label R; Laing M; Lang J; Lechien G; Lee M; Lefort G; Lenton; Leonard; Lomer C; Lund L St; MacDonald; Mann H; Mar Sal; Martin A; Mash MJ; Matthews A; McAllister B; McCaul; McConnell R; McDermott; McLean/Mack’tosh; McLennon DB; McPherson; Moreton; Morgan D; Mulberge R; Neal & Co.; Northern Graphics; O’Sullivan AJE; Ochert; Olowe Ms S; Oppman; Ornstein Dr; Ousbach A; Page AHM; Parkes Rest; Paterson GD; Pickard Mrs; Rahbek M; Reading MG; Rees D; Reid C; Reid MB; Rendreigh; Riesbish; Robertson KJ; Rowse D; Sager D; Saloky Mrs P; Schultz NMK; Shelley P; Southern; Southern Distribution; Starlight; Stearn; Stein Dr E; Stevens D; Stucki Barba; Summerstown; Suthers RJ; Tallahassee; Thompson C; Tiddy Dols; Tiffin W; Tiger Lee; Tilby; Vin Michel; Wallenberg P; Walley DP; White Elephant; Williams JA; Wilson D; Wine Wessex; Woolley; Zenny. The Company hereby gives notice that it requires any such customer to pay the outstanding charges and remove the stock within 28 days of this notice. Claims against this notice must be made in writing providing detailed documentary proof of ownership. Correspondence should be addressed to J. Davis, Director, Trapps Cellars Ltd, 68-74 Tooley Street, London SE1 2TF, marked “Private and Confidential” and envelopes clearly marked CONFSTK GAZ1. No communication other than in writing will be accepted.