Resolutions for Winding-up
At an Extraordinary General Meeting of the Membes of the above-named Company, duly convened, and held at the offices of Ashcroft & Williamson Limited, 8 Roscoe Park, Timperley, Altrincham, Cheshire WA14 5QH, on Wednesday, 2nd August 2000, the following Extraordinary Resolution was duly passed: “That it has been proved to the satisfaction of this Meeting that the Company cannot, by reason of its liabilities, continue its business, and that it is advisable to wind up the same, and accordingly that the Company be wound up voluntarily, and that John David Harrison and Christine Lesley Peak, of Harrison Peak, Osborne Place, 30 The Downs, Altrincham, Cheshire WA14 2PU, be and they are hereby nominated Joint Liquidators for the purposes of the winding-up.” P. Williamson, Chairman