
Railways Act 1993RAILWAYS ACT 1993The County Borough of The Vale of Glamorgan2000-09-012000-08-04CF634RU-3.27172551.403435CF63 4RUTSO (The Stationery Office), St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD, 01603 622211, customer.services@tso.co.uk5593310061006

Office of the Rail Regulator


Licence Exemption Application by: The Vale of Glamorgan Council (“the Applicant”) Registered address of the Applicant: Civic Centre, Holton Road, Barry, Vale of Glamorgan CF63 4RU. Directors of the Applicant: Jeffrey James, John Maintland Evans, Peter H. Evans. The Rail Regulator hereby gives notice in accordance with section 7(4) of the Railways Act 1993, that he proposes to grant the Applicant an exemption from the requirement to be authorised by licence to: (a) operate the network which the Applicant proposes to operate between Barry Island Station (at Ordnance Survey National Grid Reference point 311 590, 166 755) and Hood Road Station (at Ordnance Survey National Grid Reference point 311 080, 167 443), a distance of about 1.5 km; (b) operate a station or a light maintenance depot in connection with the above described network; and (c) operate any train used on that network, on the grounds that the Applicant is proposing to operate a preserved railway, and that it is therefore not appropriate for the licensing provisions of the Railways Act 1993 to be applied to it. Any person who wishes to make any representation or objection with respect to the proposed exemption should send such representation or objection to Caroline Bedding, Licensing and Standards Team, Directorate of Regulation, Office of the Rail Regulator, 1 Waterhouse Square, 138-142 Holborn, London EC1N 2TQ, not later than 1st September 2000. T. Winsor, Rail Regulator 4th August 2000.