
Banking and Financial Dealings Act 19711999-05-311999-01-041999-05-031999-01-011998-12-281998-06-30TSO (The Stationery Office), St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD, 01603 622211,
A Proclamation

Appointing Monday, 28th December 1998, Friday, 1st January 1999, and Monday, 3rd May 1999, as Bank Holidays in England, Wales and Northern Ireland and appointing Monday, 28th December 1998, Monday, 4th January 1999, and Monday, 31st May 1999, as Bank Holidays in Scotland. ELIZABETH R Whereas We consider it desirable that Monday, the twenty-eighth day of December in the year 1998, and Friday, the first day of January and Monday, the third day of May in the year 1999 should be bank holidays in England, Wales and Northern Ireland:   And whereas We consider it desirable that Monday, the twenty-eighth day of December in the year 1998, and Monday, the fourth day of January and Monday, the thirty-first day of May in the year 1999 should be bank holidays in Scotland:   Now, therefore, We, in pursuance of section 1(3) of the Banking and Financial Dealings Act 1971 do hereby appoint Monday, the twenty-eighth day of December in the year 1998, and Friday, the first day of January and Monday, the third day of May in the year 1999 to be bank holidays in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland and Monday, the twenty-eighth day of December in the year 1998, and Monday, the fourth day of January and Monday, the thirty-first day of May in the year 1999 to be bank holidays in Scotland.   Given at Our Court at Buckingham Palace this twenty-fourth day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and ninety-eight and in the forty-seventh year of Our Reign.


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