Companies Restored to the Register

-4.26014455.859856G2 6SB2008-09-302008-10-10G26SBCompanies Act 1985Glasgow CityTSO (The Stationery Office), St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD, 01603 622211,

Companies Restored to the Register


A petition having been presented to the Sheriff of Glasgow and Strathkelvin at Glasgow by the Company for an Order in terms of the Companies Act 1985 section 653 to restore the name of the Company to the Register of Companies, the Sheriff has by Interlocutor dated 30 September 2008 appointed all person having an interest to lodge Answers in the hands of the Sheriff Clerk, Sheriff Court, Glasgow within eight days after intimation, advertisement or service; of all which notice is hereby given.

McGrigors, Solicitors for the Petitioner

Pacific House, 70 Wellington Street, Glasgow G2 6SB.

0141 248 6677