Companies Restored to the Register

2006-04-102006-03-161993-11-261993-11-172006-04-14Companies Act 1985TSO (The Stationery Office), St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD, 01603 622211,

Companies Restored to the Register


Edgemont Property Limited (SCO34383), registered office Flat 36, Dorchester Court, Monmouth Avenue, Glasgow, has petitioned the Sheriff at Glasgow for restoration to the Register of Companies per Section 653, Companies Act 1985, following being struck from the Register on 17 November 1993 and dissolved 26 November 1993 per Section 652(5) of the Act: Sheriff’s deliverance of 16 March 2006 ordered service of Petition and deliverance on the Lord Advocate and Registrar of Companies and advertisement in The Herald and The Edinburgh Gazette and that any person having an interest and intending to show cause why the Petition should not be granted requires to lodge Answers with the Sheriff Clerk at 1 Carlton Place, Glasgow, within 8 days after such intimation, service or advertisement.

Stewarts & Murdochs, Solicitors

8 Gordon Street, Glasgow.

10 April 2006.