Road Traffic Acts

Road Traffic Regulation Act 19842019-10-162019-11-06TSO (The Stationery Office),


1. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Westminster City Council proposes to make the following Orders under sections 6, 45, 46, 49 and 124 of and Part IV of Schedule 9 to the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, as amended:

• The City of Westminster (Free Parking Places) (Disabled Persons) (Amendment No. *) Order 201*;

• The City of Westminster (Loading Bays) (Amendment No. *) Order 201*;

• The City of Westminster (Prescribed Routes) (No. *) Traffic Order 201*; and

• The City of Westminster (Waiting and Loading Restriction) (Amendment No. *) Order 201*.

2. The general effect of the Orders would be, in connection with the Oxford Street District and public realm improvements, to:

(a) introduce a pedestrian and cycle zone in:

(i) Ramillies Place and Ramillies Street, south of Ramillies Place. (Motor vehicles would be prohibited from entering this zone between midday and midnight, except for disabled permit holders and access to off-street premises); and

(ii) Hill’s Place. (Motor vehicles would be prohibited from entering Hill’s Place “at any time”, except for access between midnight and midday);

(b) introduce “at any time” waiting and loading restrictions in the pedestrian and cycles zones referred to in paragraph (a), except in the loading and disabled persons’ parking bays referred to in paragraphs (e) and (g);

(c) exempt cyclists from the existing closure of Ramillies Street (north of Ramillies Place);

(d) remove the goods vehicle loading bay from the north-west side of Ramillies Place;

(e) introduce a loading bay operating between midnight and midday (with a maximum stay of 40 minutes) on the south-east side of Ramillies Place:

(i) outside Nos. 10 and 11 (25.5 metres); and

(ii) outside Nos. 18 and 19 (15 metres);

(f) remove the “Blue Badge” disabled persons’ parking bay from the north-west side of Ramillies Place, opposite No. 17; and

(g) relocate the two “Blue Badge” disabled persons’ parking bays from the north-west side of Ramillies Place, opposite Nos. 10 and 11, to the south-east side, outside No. 11.

3. The proposed Orders and other documents giving more detailed particulars of the Orders are available for inspection until six weeks have elapsed from the date on which either the Orders are made or the Council decides not to make the Orders between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. on Mondays to Fridays inclusive at WSP, Room 216, Portland House, Bressenden Place, London, SW1E 5RS.

4. Further information may be obtained by telephoning the Council’s agents, WSP, telephone number (020) 3116 5996. Details are also available at

. 5. Any objections or other representations about the proposals should be sent in writing to the Council’s agents, WSP, Room 216, Portland House, Bressenden Place, London, SW1E 5RS, or by email at quoting reference 7490/LH, by 6th November 2019. All objections must specify the grounds on which they are made.

Dated 16th October 2019

JONATHAN ROWING, Head of Highways Inspectorate (The officer appointed for this purpose)