Appointment of Liquidators

The London Borough of Hackney2018-01-182018-01-292018-01-26-0.08343451.520003EC2M 2PLTSO (The Stationery Office), St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD, 01603 622211,

Name of Company: SUTI LTD

Company Number: 06761927

Nature of Business: Human Health Activities

Registered office: 37 Sun Street, London, EC2M 2PL

Type of Liquidation: Creditors

Date of Appointment: 18 January 2018

Liquidator's name and address: Lane Bednash (IP No. 8882) of CMB Partners UK Limited, 37 Sun Street, London, EC2M 2PL

By whom Appointed: Members and Creditors

Ag QF101624