Road Traffic Acts

Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984The London Borough of Wandsworth-0.19083751.457384SW18 2PUTraffic Management Act 20042018-01-292018-01-152018-01-18Local Government Act 1985TSO (The Stationery Office), St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD, 01603 622211,

Wandsworth Borough Council




1. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Council of the London Borough of Wandsworth on 15th January 2018 made the above mentioned Order under sections 6 and 124 of and Part IV of Schedule 9 to the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 as amended by the Local Government Act 1985 and the Traffic Management Act 2004.

2. The general effect of the Order will be to:

(a) introduce a Restricted Zone in Enterprise Way, which will operate at any time. Vehicles will be prohibited from stopping or waiting, (including waiting for the purposes of loading / unloading) except in the signed loading bays, disabled bays, car club bays or short stay free parking bays located on Enterprise Way;

(b) prohibit motor vehicles from entering the bridge over Bell Lane Creek which extends from the eastern end of Enterprise Way; and

(c) revoke the existing Pedestrian Zone in Enterprise Way.

3. Further information may be obtained from the Traffic and Engineering division - telephone number (020) 8871 8044.

4. Copies of the Order, which will come into operation on 29th January 2018, and of documents giving more detailed particulars of the Order, can be inspected during normal office hours on Mondays to Fridays inclusive until the end of a period of six weeks from the date on which the Order was made in The Customer Centre, The Town Hall, Wandsworth High Street, London, SW18 2PU.

5. Copies of the Order may be obtained from the Department of Environment and Community Services at the address given below.

6. Any person desiring to question the validity of the Order or of any provision contained in it on the grounds that it is not within the relevant powers of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 or that any of the relevant requirements of that Act or of any relevant regulations made under that Act have not been complied with in relation to the Order may, within six weeks from the date on which the Order was made, make application for the purpose to the High Court.

Dated this eighteenth day of January 2018

PAUL MARTIN, Chief Executive

Town Hall, Wandsworth SW18 2PU