Statement by General Partner

Limited Partnerships Act 1907, s. 10Limited Partnerships Act 1907LIMITED PARTNERSHIPS ACT 19072017-11-102017-12-11TSO (The Stationery Office), St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD, 01603 622211,


Pursuant to section 10 of the Limited Partnerships Act 1907, notice is hereby given that, on 10 November 2017 Hatcher Enterprises Limited (the “Transferor”) assigned the whole of its interest in Piton Capital Venture Fund II Limited Partnership, a limited partnership registered in England with number LP015884 (the “Partnership”) to each of Eve Mercier and Edouard Mercier, and that, with effect from such date, Eve Mercier and Edouard Mercier each became a limited partner in the Partnership in place of the Transferor.