Notice of Disclaimer

2017-11-152017-03-212016-11-082017-12-01TSO (The Stationery Office), St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD, 01603 622211,

CSO Ref: CCJ-3826


1. In this Notice the following shall apply:

Bankrupt’s Name:

Carlene Wilton

Also known as: Mills

Date of Bankruptcy: 8 November 2016

Property: Freehold interest and all tenancy agreements and furniture contained therein: 15 Invernook Drive, Belfast, BT4 1RW

Folio Number: DN119012

Treasury Solicitor: The Solicitor for the Affairs of Her Majesty’s Treasury PO Box 2119, Croydon CR90 9QU (DX325801 Croydon 51).

2. The Treasury Solicitor as nominee for the Crown in whom the bankrupt’s share of the above property vested when the Official Receiver, acting as Trustee, disclaimed all his interest in the property pursuant to Article 288 of the Insolvency (Northern Ireland) Order 1989, hereby disclaims the Crown’s title (if any) in the bankrupt’s share of the Property, the vesting of the Property having come to the Treasury Solicitor’s notice on 21 March 2017.

Dated 15 day of November 2017

Assistant Treasury Solicitor

(Section 3 Treasury Solicitor Act 1876)