Resolutions for Winding-up

-0.06788651.507625E1W 1YWThe London Borough of Hackney-0.08402251.527287N1 6HT2017-03-062017-03-13The London Borough of Tower HamletsTSO (The Stationery Office), St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD, 01603 622211,


(Company Number 07114380)

Registered office: 28 Charles Square, London, N1 6HT

Principal trading address: 28 Charles Square, London, N1 6HT

At a General Meeting of the above named Company duly convened and held at Quadrant House, 4 Thomas More Square, London, E1W 1YW on 06 March 2017 the following resolutions were duly passed as a special and an ordinary resolution, respectively:

“That it has been resolved by special resolution that the Company be wound up voluntarily and that Peter Kubik and Michael Kiely, both of UHY Hacker Young LLP, Quadrant House, 4 Thomas More Square, London, E1W 1YW, (IP Nos. 9220 and 9617) be and are hereby appointed Joint Liquidators of the Company for the purposes of the winding-up.” At the subsequent meeting of creditors held at the same place on the same date, the resolutions were ratified confirming the appointment of Peter Kubik and Michael Kiely as Joint Liquidators.

For further details contact: Greg Carrier, Email:, Tel: 020 7767 2625

Pyarali Jamal, Chairman

Ag GF121123