Fraud awareness in the charity sector

​National Charity Fraud Awareness Week (23 October to 27 October 2017) promotes fraud awareness and resilience for those working within or supporting the charity and voluntary sectors.

The week will be led by the Charities Against Fraud partnership of over 40 charities, professionals representative charitable bodies and other not-for-profit stakeholders.

Issues covered will include insider fraud, fundraising fraud, cyber fraud and bribery and corruption, in order to help trustees and staff to recognise the warning signs and shape an effective and proportionate response. 

Charities are invited to get involved through their own counter-fraud activities and by following the conversation at #CharityFraudOut. Supporter packs are available online

There is also a City launch and free counter-fraud drop-in centre from 9am until 12pm on Monday 23 October, where the new CEO of the Charity Commission Helen Stephenson will be speaking, along with DCI Andy Fyfe from the City of London Police and Pesh Framjee from Crowe Clarke Whitehill.