Town and Country Planning
Mid Devon District Council
Notice is given, under the provisions of the 1990 Act that Mid Devon District Council has determined that the area described in the Schedule to this notice is an area of special architectural or historic interest, and that it is desirable to preserve or enhance its character or appearance. It has accordingly amended the Willand Conservation Area, so as to include the properties listed in Schedule 1 and delete the properties listed in Schedule 2. The principal effects of being included within conservation areas as are follows: 1. The Council is under a duty to prepare proposals to ensure the preservation or enhancement of the area. 2. Consent must be obtained from the Council for the demolition of any building in the area. 3. Six weeks’ notice must be given to the Council before works are carried out to any tree in the area. 4. Special publicity must be given to planning applications for development in the area. 5. In carrying out any functions under the Planning Acts (and, in particular, in determining applications for planning permission and listed building consent), the Council and the Secretary of State are required to take into account the desirability of preserving or enhancing the Character or appearance of the area. Further information regarding conservation area may be obtained from: Forward Planning, Conservation and Regeneration, Mid Devon District Council, Phoenix House, Phoenix Lane, Tiverton, Devon EX16 6PP. Schedule 1 Elm View Farm; Elmscroft; 1 and 2 Townsend Cottages, Willow End; additional garden land at Redgates Cottage and Woodsmoke Cottage. Schedule 2 The Rectory, Rectory Close; Little Coombe, Old Village Road, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 38, 39, 40, 41 and 42 Townlands. D Scott, on behalf of the Local Planning Authority