Appointment of Liquidators

-2.74216152.702945SY3 7FA2006-11-032006-11-10The County of ShropshireTSO (The Stationery Office), St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD, 01603 622211,

Company Number: 3714945. Name of Company: DATA BUILDING SERVICES LIMITED. Nature of Business: Building Contractors. Type of Liquidation: Creditors. Address of Registered Office: 1 Brassey Road, Old Potts Way, Shrewsbury SY3 7FA. Liquidator’s Name and Address: Martin Williamson, DSi Services, 1 Brassey Road, Old Potts Way, Shrewsbury SY3 7FA. Office Holder Number: 9222. Date of Appointment: 3 November 2006. By whom Appointed: Creditors.