Appointment of Liquidators

2006-11-022006-11-070.00874251.562138E11 4PAThe London Borough of Waltham ForestTSO (The Stationery Office), St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD, 01603 622211,

Company Number: 05539284. Name of Company: P O HILTON TRANSPORT LIMITED. Nature of Business: Lorry Haulage. Type of Liquidation: Creditors. Address of Registered Office: 601 High Road Leytonstone, London E11 4PA. Liquidator’s Name and Address: George Michael, Ashcrofts, 601 High Road Leytonstone, London E11 4PA. Office Holder Number: 9230. Date of Appointment: 2 November 2006. By whom Appointed: Members and Creditors.