The London Borough of HarrowHA54AB-1.91331952.477554B1 2UUThe City of Birmingham2005-01-032005-02-242005-05-04B12UU-0.36595051.616279HA5 4ABTSO (The Stationery Office), St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD, 01603 622211, Fletcher BARKER
Details of the deceased
- Claim expires:
- 4 May 2005
- Surname:
- First name:
- Derek
- Middle name(s):
- Fletcher
- Date of death:
- 3 January 2005
Last address of the deceased
- Person address details:
- 55 Royston Park Road, Hatch End, Pinner, Middlesex HA5 4AB. Civil Engineer (Retired).
Details of the Executor/Administrator
- Executor/Personal Representative:
- Manjinder K Sandhu, Natwest Private Banking, PO Box 198, 7th Floor, 6 Brindleyplace, Birmingham B1 2UU. (NatWest Bank Plc.)