Appointment of Liquidators
Appointment of Liquidators
Company Number: 00092479. Name of Company: ADAM THREE LIMITED. Nature of Business: Dormant. Company Number: 00728260. Name of Company: IMD INVESTMENTS LIMITED. Nature of Business: Property Investment and Associated Activities. Company Number: 01713436. Name of Company: IMD TRADING LIMITED. Nature of Business: Dormant. Company Number: 01579265. Name of Company: IMRY (LEICESTER) LIMITED. Nature of Business: Investment. Type of Liquidations: Members. Address of Registered Office: 54 Lombard Street, London EC3P 3AH. Liquidators’ Names and Address: James Robert Drummond Smith and Nicholas James Dargan, both of Athene Place, 66 Shoe Lane, London EC4A 3WA. Office Holder Numbers: 008031 and 008024. Date of Appointment: 16 December 2004. By whom Appointed: Members.