2004-11-082004-12-062005-02-19-2.50419952.186059HR7 4DBThe County of Herefordshire-2.71404852.055793HR1 2LHTSO (The Stationery Office), St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD, 01603 622211,
customer.services@tso.co.uk57486812Geoffrey Arthur SMITH
Details of the deceased
- Claim expires:
- 19 February 2005
- Surname:
- First name:
- Geoffrey
- Middle name(s):
- Arthur
- Date of death:
- 8 November 2004
Last address of the deceased
- Person address details:
- 35 Linton Park, Petty Bridge, Bromyard, Herefordshire HR7 4DB. Draughtsman (Retired).
Details of the Executor/Administrator
- Executor/Administrator:
- Mr C G Powell, Beaumonts, Beaumont House, Offa Street, Hereford HR1 2LH. (Derek Charles Smith and Alan James Smith.)