Appointment of Liquidators

1.30180352.629916NR1 1NE2003-05-092003-05-20The City of NorwichTSO (The Stationery Office), St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD, 01603 622211,

Appointment of Liquidators

Company Number: 00531045. Name of Company: ALBERT DENT (HILGAY) LIMITED. Nature of Business: Haulage Contractors. Type of Liquidation: Members. Address of Registered Office: Fairfield Garage, Hilgay, Downham Market, Norfolk PE38 0LL. Liquidator’s Name and Address: Chris Williams, McTear Williams & Wood, 90 St Faiths Lane, Norwich NR1 1NE. Office Holder Number: 008772. Date of Appointment: 9 May 2003. By whom Appointed: Members.