Notices under the Trustee Act 1925

TRUSTEE ACT 1925Trustee Act 1925The London Borough of Islington-0.11206251.524505EC4A 4PP1978-12-201978-01-011958-02-232001-03-202001-01-171993-10-132001-01-262001-03-30EC4A4PPTSO (The Stationery Office), St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD, 01603 622211,

Notice is given to all Members and former Members of the Scheme; all widows/widowers, children and other dependants of deceased Members and former Members; all Creditors of the Scheme; and others having any claims against or claiming to be beneficially interested in the Scheme by the Trustees of the Scheme (the “Trustees”). The Scheme is a retirement benefits scheme created for certain employees of G.A. Dunn and Co., a Company which went into Liquidation on 13th October 1993, is registered in England with number 148795 and whose registered office, in the course of business, was 335-345 Royal College Street, London NW1 9QT and, in Liquidation, is 20 Farringdon Street, London EC4A 4PP (the “Company”). The Scheme was constituted by a definitive deed dated 20th December 1978 with effect from 1st January 1978. It provides benefits for certain employees of the Company who were employed between 1st January 1978 and 13th October 1993 and their dependants and also provides benefits for employees who between 23rd February 1958 and 1st January 1978 were members of the Dunn and Co. Departmental Managers Fund. The Scheme has closed and the Trustees have resolved to start the winding-up of the Scheme on 17th January 2001. Therefore, the Trustees need to contact all of the beneficiaries to inform them of their benefits and the arrangements being made to secure them. If you are a person to whom this notice is addressed and you have, or consider that you may have, a right to benefit under the Scheme, you should write giving details of your name, date of birth, National Insurance Number, address and dates of pensionable service with G.A. Dunn and Co. in writing to the “Trustees of the Dunn & Co. Pensions Scheme”, whose address is PO Box 3556, London N12 9PS, on or before 30th March 2001. You should not reply to this notice if you have received a communication from the Trustees about your benefits addressed to you at your current address in the last two years. You should also not reply if your benefits have been transferred to another retirement benefits scheme. Take notice that after 20th March 2001, the Trustees of the Scheme will proceed to apply the assets of the Scheme for the benefit of the persons entitled to them having regard only to the claims of which they have had notice. The Trustees shall not be liable for the assets of the Scheme or any part of them so distributed to any person or persons of those claims or demands they then have not had notice. For and on behalf of the Trustees of the Scheme 26th January 2001.