Appointment of Liquidators
-2.61296151.459850BS8 2BNThe City of Bristol2000-08-092000-08-17TSO (The Stationery Office), St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD, 01603 622211,
Company Number: 3652549. Name of Company: WESSEX CABLING SERVICES LIMITED. Nature of Business: Cabling Services. Type of Liquidation: Creditors. Liquidators’ Names and Address: Peter W. Engel and John W. Davies, both of Solomon Hare Business Rescue, Oakfield House, Oakfield Grove, Clifton, Bristol BS8 2BN. Office Holder Numbers: 8103 and 6425. Date of Appointment: 9th August 2000. By whom Appointed: Members and Creditors.