Company Documents
Companies Act 1985COMPANIES ACT 19852000-08-17TSO (The Stationery Office), St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD, 01603 622211,
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to section 711 of the Companies Act 1985 as applied to open-ended Investment Companies by the Open-Ended Investment Companies (Investment Companies with Variable Capital) Regulations 1996, that in respect of the undermentioned Companies, documents of the following description were received by me on the dates indicated.
Company Number | Company Name | Document Type | Date of Receipt |
IC73 | HSBC Investment Fund | Instrument of Incorporation | 9.8.00 |
IC74 | HSBC Specialist Investment Funds | Instrument of Incorporation | 9.8.00 |
IC75 | HSBC Index Tracker Investment Funds | Instrument of Incorporation | 9.8.00 |