Notices to Creditors
Notice is hereby given that Ian William Kings, of Jennings Johnson, 19 Borough Road, Sunderland SR1 1LA and John Paul Sugden, of Auker Rhodes, 286 Manningham Lane, Royd House, Bradford BD8 7BP, have been appointed Joint Liquidators of the above-named Company by the Members and Creditors on Wednesday, 19th July 2000. Notice is hereby given that the Creditors of the above-named Company, which is being voluntarily wound up, are required, on or before Thursday, 31st August 2000, to send in their full name, their addresses and descriptions, full particulars of their debts or claims, and the names and addresses of their Solicitors (if any), to the undersigned, Ian William Kings, of Jennings Johnson, 19 Borough Road, Sunderland SR1 1LA, and John Paul Sugden, of Auker Rhodes, 286 Manningham Lane, Royd House, Bradford BD8 7BP, the Joint Liquidators of the said Company, and, if so required by notice in writing from the said Joint Liquidators, are, personally, or by their Solicitors, to come in and prove their debts or claims at such time and place as shall be specified in such notice, or in default thereof they will be excluded from the benefit of any distribution made before such debts are proved. I. W. Kings and J. P. Sugden, Joint Liquidators 21st July 2000.