Road Traffic Acts
London Borough of Enfield
Further information may be obtained by telephoning Traffic Engineering, tel. 0181-379
Notice is hereby given that the Council of the London Borough of Enfield, has approved
the introduction of road humps in certain lengths of Mayfield Crescent and Woodstock
Crescent specified in the Schedule to this notice under sections 90A-90F of the Highways
Act 1980.
2. The road humps specified in the Schedule would be round-topped with chamfered
sides and having a height of 75 millimetres and a length of 3.7 metres in the direction
of traffic.
3. A plan indicating the location of the proposed road humps can be inspected at
the Reception Desk, “B” Block, the Civic Centre, Silver Street, Enfield, Middlesex
EN1 3XD, during normal office hours on Mondays to Fridays inclusive.
4. Any representations regarding the proposals should be sent to the Assistant Director
(Operational Services), the Civic Centre, Silver Street, Enfield, Middlesex, quoting
Ref. KWG/TG52/672 by 10th February 1999.
5. Under the Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985, many of the reports
made to a Committee of the Council are open to the press and to the public. When this
happens any documents used to a material extent in compiling the report are also open
to inspection. This means that any letter you write to the Council in response to
this notice may be available to the press and to the public, who would be entitled
to take copies of it if they wish.
P. Gardner, Assistant Director (Operational Services)
75 millimetre round topped road humps
Mayfield Crescent
1. From a point 4.5 metres south-east of the common boundary of Nos. 2 a and 4 Mayfield Crescent south-eastward for a distance of 3.7 metres.
2. From the common boundary of Nos. 24 and 26 Mayfield Crescent north-westward for
a distance of 3.7 metres.
3. From the common boundary of Nos. 48 and 50 Mayfield Crescent northward for a distance
of 3.7 metres.
4. From a point opposite the south-western wall of No. 52 Mayfield Crescent north-eastward
for a distance of 3.7 metres.
5. From the common boundary of Nos. 45 and 47 Mayfield Crescent south-westward for
a distance of 3.7 metres.
6. From a point 18 metres north-west of the north-western kerb-line of Suffolk Road
north-westward for a distance of 3.7 metres.
Woodstock Crescent
1. From the common boundary of Nos. 3 and 5 Woodstock Crescent north-westward for
a distance of 3.7 metres.
2. From the common boundary of Nos. 15 and 17 Woodstock Crescent north-westward for
a distance of 3.7 metres.
3. From the common boundary of Nos. 29 and 31 Woodstock Crescent north-eastward for
a distance of 3.7 metres.
4. From the common boundary of Nos. 55 and 57 Woodstock Crescent south-westward for
a distance of 3.7 metres.
5. From the common boundary of Nos. 92 and 94 Woodstock Crescent north-eastward for
a distance of 3.7 metres.
20th January 1999.