Town and Country Planning

EH414QLEH394JSEH218PREH394AXEH414QPEH331EHEH414QAEH345EP2006-11-17-3.04161055.930685EH21 8PR-2.75105055.904479EH41 4QL-2.73121456.057962EH39 4AX-2.86438455.955345EH33 1EH-2.86997155.891683EH34 5EP-2.71596656.059165EH39 4JS-2.63779155.955899EH41 4QA-2.74015955.902056EH41 4QPEast LothianTSO (The Stationery Office), St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD, 01603 622211,

Town & Country Planning

East Lothian Council


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that application for Planning Permission/Listed Building Consent/Conservation Area Consent has been made to East Lothian Council, as Planning Authority, as detailed in the schedule hereto.

The applications and plans submitted are open to inspection at Environment Reception, John Muir House, Brewery Park, Haddington, during office hours or at

Any representations should be made in writing to the undersigned within 21 days of this date.

Peter Collins, Director of Environment

John Muir House, Brewery Park, Haddington



Development in Conservation Area

Mrs O Curran

27 Melbourne Place North Berwick East Lothian EH39 4JS

Installation of replacement window


Development in Conservation Area

Jean Pyle

The Garden Flat Bradbury 2 York Road North Berwick East Lothian

Alterations to flat


Development in Conservation Area

Alexander Alongi

7 Walden Terrace Gifford Haddington East Lothian EH41 4QP

Erection of garage and gates, formation of hardstanding area and removal of part of fence


Development in Conservation Area

Mr & Mrs L Solley

24 Carberry Road Musselburgh East Lothian EH21 8PR

Change of use from Coach House outbuilding to form 1 house and garage


Listed Building Consent

Whittingehame Farming Company

Garden Lodge Whittingehame Haddington EH41 4QA

Alterations to house including installation of vents and flue


Listed Building Affected by Development

Mr A W Patterson

South Lodge Elvingston Estate Gladsmuir East Lothian EH33 1EH

Erection of garage


Development in Conservation Area


Site Adjacent To 1 Dirleton Avenue North Berwick East Lothian EH39 4AX

Erection of 1 house, double garage and associated works


Listed Building Consent

Mr & Mrs Hocknell

Barley Mill House West Saltoun East Lothian EH34 5EP

Alterations and extension to house including part demolition of wall


Development in Conservation Area

Mr And Mrs Calvert

Yester Cottage Station Road Gifford East Lothian EH41 4QL

Extension to house to form conservatory