Town and Country Planning
Town & Country Planning
Stirling Council
A copy of the plans and documents for the application listed above may be examined at the office of Planning and Regulation, Stirling Council, Viewforth, Stirling FK8 2ET (Telephone 443252) between the hours of 9 am and 5 pm Monday to Friday. Written comments may be made to the Planning Manager within 21 days of this notice. The Planning Register of all applications is also available for inspection.
Ref: 06/00890/LBC/DI
Development: Change of use and extension of agricultural building to form one residential unit at Land At Little Hill Some 150m Nw Of Arnhall Nursery, Dunblane, Reason: Listed Building Consent
Ref: 06/00887/LBC/JBB
Development: Internal alterations including provision of new velux window and relocation of existing boiler flue at 3 Victoria Square, Kings Park, Stirling, FK8 2RA, Reason: Listed Building in Conservation Area