Town and Country Planning

-3.78284756.016281FK2 7YZ-3.78190655.998663FK1 1DU2003-05-02FK11EAFK11DUFK27YZ-3.78361255.998800FK1 1EAFalkirkTSO (The Stationery Office), St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD, 01603 622211,

Falkirk Council


Applications for Planning Permission listed below, together with the plans and other documents submitted, may be examined at the office of Development Services, Abbotsford House, David’s Loan, Bainsford, Falkirk, FK2 7YZ between the hours of 9.00am and 5.00pm on weekdays.

Written comments may be made to the Director of Development Services within the number of days specified below beginning with the date of publication of this notice.

Town and Country Planning (Listed Buildings & Conservation Areas) (Scotland) Act 1997
Listed Building Consent

Address Proposed Development
161-163 High Street Alterations to Shopfront
Falkirk FK1 1DU (Listed Building Consent) - F/2003/0305
Lloyds TSB Bank Installation of New ATM Light Box
137-139 High Street (Listed Building Consent) - F/2003/0331
Falkirk FK1 1EA

Within 21 days of the above notice.

Director of Development Services

Abbotsford House, David’s Loan, Bainsford, Falkirk FK2 7YZ

2nd May 2003