Deceased Estates
IN THE ESTATE OF MARY BURNS, DECEASED Late of 177 Gortin Road, Omagh County Tyrone
Notice is hereby given pursuant to Section 28 of the Trustee Act (Northern Ireland) 1958 that all Creditors, Beneficiaries and other persons having any claims against or interest in the Estate of the above named Deceased, who died on the 23rd day of April 2004 are hereby required to send on or before the 23rd day of April 2005, particulars of such Claims or Interests to the undersigned Solicitors for the Personal Representative of the said Deceased.
And Notice is hereby further given that after the said 23rd day of April 2005, the said Personal Representative will proceed to convey or distribute the property of the said Deceased among the parties thereto, having regard only to the Claims and Demands of which Particulars shall have been received.
Dated this 31st day of January 2005
SIGNED: John McGale, Kelly & Company, Solicitors for the Personal Representatives, 26 John Street, Omagh, County Tyrone