Other Notices
In accordance with the conditions of issue of 2½% Treasury Stock as set out in the prospectus dated 25 October 1946 issued by the Bank of England, the United Kingdom Debt Management Office hereby gives notice that all of 2½% Treasury Stock will be redeemed at par on 5 July 2015. Arrangements for the repayment of holdings of the gilt are set out below.
Registers of the gilt are kept by Computershare Investor Services PLC. The final non-standard interest payment will be payable on 5 July 2015, to or in accordance with the instructions of, the persons registered as holders on 25 June 2015 at the rate of £0.650685 per £100 nominal.
Redemption monies will be payable on 5 July 2015 to, or in accordance with the instructions of, persons registered as holders on 25 June 2015, after which no further transfers will be registered. The latest date on which postal transfers will be accepted for registration is 22 June 2015.
Redemption forms will be issued to registered holders of the gilt in due course by Computershare Investor Services PLC.
United Kingdom Debt Management Office
2 April 2015