Water Resources

WATER RESOURCES ACT 1991The District of Huntingdonshire-0.20549152.321736PE28 4NE2003-07-112003-08-252003-07-262003-09-302003-07-17PE284NETSO (The Stationery Office), St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD, 01603 622211, customer.services@tso.co.uk57003499499

Environment Agency


Take notice that the Old Nene Golf and Country Club Ltd is applying to the Environment Agency for a licence to abstract water from the following points: 1. The River Nene (Old Course) between National Grid Refs TL 2874 8736 and TL 2918 8768 at Saunders Bridge Reach, Lodes End, Ramsey; and 2. Drains of the Ramsey 5th (Lodes End) Internal Drainage Board at National Grid Ref TL 2874 8753 at Lodes End, both points being in Ramsey parish, Huntingdonshire district, Cambridgeshire. The proposal is to abstract water at the following rates: 39.5 cubic metres per hour, 472.7 cubic metres per day and 6,819 cubic metres per year, between 1 April and 30 September in each year. The water will be used for spray irrigation. The application is for a replacement for licence serial No 6/33/53/S/580 which expires on 30 September 2003. A copy of the application and any map, plans and other documents submitted with it may be inspected, free of charge, at all reasonable hours at the Old Nene Golf and Country Club, Muchwood Lane, Ramsey, Huntingdon, between 26 July 2003 and 25 August 2003. Any person wishing to make representations about the application should do so in writing to the Environment Agency, Bromholme Lane, Brampton, Huntingdon PE28 4NE, before the end of the said period quoting the name of the applicant. R A Mounter, on behalf of the Old Nene Golf and Country Club Ltd. 11 July 2003.