Coronavirus (Disapplication/modification of DBS provisions) (1707)

What is this notice?

  • Advertises where the Welsh Ministers have made provision to disapply or modify, for a specified period, a health DBS provision or a social care DBS provision during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Advertises where the Scottish Ministers have made provision to disapply or modify, for a specified period, a health DBS provision or a social care DBS provision during the COVID-19 pandemic.

What legislation does it relate to?

  • Coronavirus Act 2020 (Pt. I, S.33 (10)(a))
  • Coronavirus Act 2020 (Pt. I, S.34 (4))

Who places this notice?

  • The Scottish Ministers
  • The Welsh Ministers

Where can I find these notices on The Gazette website?

Notice 1707

Further information